Saturday, July 9, 2011

Corn is King

Here's a little piece that seems seasonally appropriate.

Corn is King

Well call me corn or you can call me maize

I’ve become a part of human ways.

Both on my own and with my buddy soy

Most of the place we can enjoy.

Yes we couldn’t get much more of the planet

If my buddy soy and I just ran it.

Yes the humans think they’re in charge of it all

But they jump when I say and they come when I call.

Well I’m the one for whom they cleared the fields

and they kill off my enemies to boost my yields.

They feed me food to make me grow

until I’m pretty enough to show.

They put me in all kinds of food they eat

They just love corn syrup – it is so sweet.

An emulsifier – a thickening goop

The humans put me in their soup.

No matter if they have to use fossil fuel

Whatever is good for corn is the rule.

Oh, thank you for cutting down the woods.

Thanks for using me in so many goods.

You humans think you’re on top it’s true

But corn has really colonized you!

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